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Sayyeda Zainab Foundations filosofi är baserad pÃ¥ att stödja ett spektrum av filantropiska aktiviteter som är direkt kopplade till äran och tjänandet av profeten Muhammeds kungliga blodlinje (frid och välsignelse vare med honom och hans familj). 


Countries Worldwide


Humanitarian Impact


Trees Planted


Prosper Palestine

Buy this Poetry Book for the love of peace in Palestine and all proceeds go to Gaza for their redevelopment, healthcare and overall needs for a prosperous life

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Invest in Medina

Grow Date-Palm Trees in Holy Farmlands of the Medina Region in the name of your family that helps

Orphans & Widows of Medina for a lifetime

Ramadan Charity

Zakat and Sadaqah

The Sayyeda Zainab Charity Fund during the Holy Month of Ramadan supports Muslims Globally in need of financial assistance from providing Iftar & Suhoor Sufras in Holy Mosques to feeding muslim brothers and sisters in Prisons

Support S.Z.F

Learn more about how we help humanity from"Khums

Please fill out this form if you need any help from the Sayyeda Zainab Foundation


©2022 av Sayyeda Zainab Foundation. Stolt skapad med

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